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Executive Directors Non-executive Directors
Independent Non-executive Directors Senior Management


Executive Directors
Ms. Wang Lijun (王麗君女士)

Ms. Wang was appointed as our executive Director on 2 May 2017. She joined our Group in January 2010 as executive manager. In December 2010, she was promoted to deputy general manager and is responsible for administration and human resources matters of all the Company’s subsidiaries in the PRC. Prior to joining our Company, from August 2006 to September 2009, she worked in Dubon Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited Jilin branch(都邦財產保險股份有限公司吉林分公司)as business general manager and was responsible for business management. From July 1994 to August 2006, she was the deputy general manager in China Pacific Life Insurance Company Limited Tonghua branch(中國太平洋人壽保險股份有限公司通化中心支公司)and responsible for administration matters. Ms. Wang graduated from Jilin Industry University(吉林工業大學)with a bachelor’s degree in accounting in July 1998. Ms. Wang is the sister of Mr. Wang, the chairman of our Board, the chief executive officer and an executive Director of our Company.

Mr. Zhang Hebin (張和彬先生)

Mr. Zhang was appointed as our executive Director on 8 September 2008. He is one of the founding management team members of Tonghua Tongtian since its establishment in 2001. Prior to May 2011, he was primarily responsible for sales, marketing and products promotion of our Group. Since May 2011, he has assumed responsibility for and is in charge of the merger and acquisition activities of our Group. Prior to joining our Group, from April 1984 to August 2000 he worked with Tonhwa Winery Limited (通化葡萄酒股份有限公司), a wine company currently listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and in February 1986 he was promoted to be a district sales manager. He obtained a junior college diploma of economic management from the Party School of Jilin Province Government (吉林省黨委校) and graduated in July 1991.

Mr. Wang Junyao (王俊堯先生)

Mr. Wang, aged 23, has been appointed as executive Director on 14June 2024. He has been the vice president of the Company since January 2024 and was the assistant to the chairman of the Board from May 2021 until his appointment as the Vice President in January 2024. Mr. Wang received a bachelor’s degree in Finance from the Central University of Finance and Economics, the People’s Republic of China in June 2023. Mr. Wang is the son of the Mr. Wang Guangyuan, a former executive Director and the nephew of Ms. Wang Lijun, the chairlady of the Board and an executive Director.

Non-Executive Directors
Mr. Li Jerry Y. (李瑜鴻先生 )

was appointed as our non- executive direction on 31 August 2022. He graduated from the University of Sydney in Australia with a Bachelor degree of Science, majoring in Nutrition and Metabolism. From September 2021, Mr. Li served as the vice general manager of Shenzhen Sanshun Pharmaceutical Limited (深圳三順製藥有限公司).

Mr. Zhu Min Hui (朱明徽先生)

was appointed as our non- executive direction on 31 August 2022. He graduated from Bryant University in the United States of America, with a Bachelor degree of Science in Business Administration, majoring in Finance and Economics. Mr. Zhu is currently the Investment Manager in Shenzhen Maoanyuan Investments Company Limited (深圳市茂安源投資有限公司).

Independent Non-executive Directors
Dr. Cheng Vincent (鄭嘉福博士)

Dr. Cheng Vincent(鄭嘉福), aged 60, was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on 17 November 2018. He is also the chairman of the audit committee and the remuneration committee of our Board. Dr. Cheng obtained a doctorate degree in Business Administration from European University in Switzerland in October 2016, a master’s degree in Business Administration from Deakin University in Australia (as a joint program of Deakin University and CPA Australia) in May 2003 and a bachelor of arts degree in Accountancy from the City University of Hong Kong (formerly known as City Polytechnic of Hong Kong) in November 1993. Dr. Cheng was admitted as a fellow of CPA Australia in December 2000, a fellow of The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute in October 2000, a fellow of HKICPA in April 2008 and a fellow of the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong in September 2010. He was also recognised by the Taxation Institute of Hong Kong as a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA HK) in September 2010. He is currently recognized by International Professional Advocates Association as a Certified International Mediation Advocate.

Dr. Cheng Vincent has years of experience in the fields of finance and accountancy. From December 1987 to September 2000, Dr. Cheng was employed with a financial planning firm and was promoted to chief accountant (Hong Kong) before he left. During October 2000 to February 2002, Dr. Cheng had been a project manager responsible for fund raising activities and relationship management in a company in Australia which is principally engaged in chemical and pharmaceutical business and was subsequently listed on the Growth Enterprise Market (now known as GEM) of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”). From May 2003 to July 2010, Dr. Cheng had joined Continental Holdings Limited, a company engaged in consumer goods business and listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 513), and had held various positions (including project manager, head of finance and accounts department, company secretary and qualified accountant) during his tenure of service. In January 2011, Dr. Cheng was appointed as the deputy finance director of a multi-disciplinary architecture firm and is currently its finance director.

Dr. Cheng had been the independent non-executive director of Nanjing Sinolife United Company Limited (a company listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 3332)) from August 2013 to October 2018. He has been an independent nonexecutive director of Flying Financial Service Holdings Limited from April 2012 to February 2023 (a company listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 8030)).

Mr. Yang Qiang (楊強先生)

Mr. Yang was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on 15 January 2016. He is also a member of the audit committee, the remuneration committee and the nomination committee of our Board. Mr Yang holds a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology(北京理工大學). He is experienced in the wine industry in the PRC and has been serving as the secretary of the expert committee of the Grape and Fruit Wine of the China National Food Industry Association(中國食品工業協會葡萄酒、果酒專家委員會) for many years.

Ms. Zhang Shiqing (張仕青)

Ms. Zhang has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director since 14 June 2024. She has been working as a senior analyst at the advisory function of an international accounting firm since December 2022 and is responsible for the analysis, bidding and implementation of government information technology projects, both domestically and abroad. Ms. Zhang worked as a software engineer at a government body in Guangdong, PRC from August 2003 to January 2021. Ms. Zhang obtained a bachelor’s degree where she majored in Computer Science and Technology and minored in Applied in English at Guangzhou University, the PRC in June 2003.

Senior Management
Mr. Wang Jun (王軍先生)

Mr. Wang has been appointed as the chief winemaker of our Company since 1 January 2017. Prior to joining our Group, from August 1985 to January 2014, he served various positions in Tonhwa Winery Limited(通化葡萄酒股份有限公司), a wine company currently listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, including director of chief engineer’s office, director of research office, head of technical division, director of research institute and general manager. In 2014, Mr. Wang joined Hangzhou Oriental Culture Tourism Group(杭州東方文化園旅業集團)as general manager of one of its subsidiaries, Liaoning Northern Latitude 41 Degrees Wine Company Limited(遼寧北緯41度酒業有限公司). He has been a member of the China Alcoholic Drinks Association(中國酒業協會), China Food Industry Association(中國食品工業協會), Wine Expert Panel of National Wine Quality Inspection Center(國家葡萄酒質檢中心葡萄酒專家組)and a national liquor judge since 1997. Mr. Wang was appointed as an international judge by Union Internationale des Oenologues(國際釀酒師聯盟)in 2008, certified as the first batch of state level senior winemaker(高級釀酒師)and first-class sommelier(一級品酒師)in 2012, and elected as a member of the First National Wine Brewing Standard Technology Committee Grape Wine Sub-branch(首屆全國釀酒標準化技術委員會葡萄酒分會)in 2014. He graduated from Food Science & Engineering of Dalian Institute of Light Industry(大連輕工業學院)(currently known as Dalian Polytechnic University(大連工業大學)) with a college diploma of industrial fermentation in August 1985.

Ms. Zhao Dan (趙丹女士)

Ms. Zhao is the chief financial officer and the deputy general manager of our Company. She joined our Group in September 2001 and was promoted to the position of deputy general manager in December 2014. She was the chief financial officer of our Group from December 2014 to December 2015, and was re-appointed as the chief financial officer of our Group from July 2018. She is responsible for the financial and accounting management of our Group. Ms. Zhao graduated from Jilin University(吉林大學)with a higher diploma in finance and accounting in July 2000. She obtained her qualification of mid-level accountant in May 2005.

Mr. Zhang Xuexin (張學鑫先生)

Mr. Zhang is a deputy general manager of our Company. He joined our Group in December 2001 and is responsible for project management of the Group. In December 2010, Mr. Zhang was promoted from project manager to his current position. Mr. Zhang graduated from Jilin University(吉林大學) with a higher diploma in economics in July 2002.

Mr. Wang Kai(王凱)

Mr. Wang Kai(王凱), aged 42, is a deputy general manager of our Company. He joined our Group in November 2021 and is responsible for the Group’s investment and finance management, promoting our products of the Group and our Group’s corporate image. Mr. Wang graduated from Harbin University of Science and Technology(哈爾濱理工大學)with a higher diploma in Human Resource Management in January 2007 and he also obtained Master of Business Administration in Executive Management from Royal Roads University in Canada in September 2012.